25 Weeks

I can’t believe I’m 25 weeks pregnant! Well over half way and really starting to grow!

And so, in this 25th week…

  • I’ve noticed that indigestion and heartburn are increasing. I think this may be my least favorite thing so far. Yes, worse than morning sickness! Maybe it’s just easy to say that since the morning sickness has passed (for the most part), but I’m not a fan of these unlady-like burps and the weird heartburn feeling.
  • I say that morning sickness has passed for the most part because I’ve still been getting sick about once per week. It seems to be tapering off, but I don’t want to speak too soon because I know it could come back and get me any day!
  • We have started decorating the nursery! My goal for this past weekend was to completely clear out all non-baby things from her room. Aside from my wedding dress, I did it! On Saturday  night, Van asked if I would rather watch a movie or have him put the crib together. Clearly I chose the crib assembly! We (he) had to move things around a bit, but I think we have the big stuff in their places. I love how the white furniture looks with the gray walls and I can’t wait to incorporate in the accent color – light pink! I’m hoping to achieve a dreamy, relaxing and overall lovely space.
  • My goal is to sew several things for her room including curtains, the crib skirt and a blanket. I’m working on getting my craft room organized now and I should be able to get started on these things really soon! Can’t wait!
  • The baby has been moving quite a bit lately and I just LOVE feeling her roll around. Of course at times she wedges herself in areas that are a little uncomfortable, which makes moving and sitting in certain positions a little awkward, but feeling her move is just so neat.
  • So far, I haven’t really had any trouble sleeping. I know that this will likely not last much longer, but I sure am enjoying it while it does!
  • Speaking of sleeping, I’ve been opposite of what I thought and haven’t wanted to use any pillows at all. Once my belly grows more, I know the Snoogle and I will become best friends!
  • I don’t know why, but I always thought that pregnant women having to go to the bathroom all the time was a little exaggerated, but I have definitely found my thoughts to be completely false! It’s the craziest thing. You feel like your bladder may burst so you rush to the bathroom, but then there’s hardly anything there. Sorry if that’s TMI, but it’s just such a weird feeling!
  • While maternity clothes have definitely improved over the last several years, it takes some searching to find stuff that’s comfortable, but that you also feel good about yourself in. My friend Casey is also pregnant and she had on the cutest jeans when I saw her recently. She suggested Old Navy so we went there last weekend and I found two pairs that are comfortable AND cute! And they were on sale – woohoo! I now feel like I am good to go for the rest of my pregnancy (I hope so at least!).
  • My belly has been growing more and more. Here I am at 25 weeks!

Baby Lambert Update

Most of you know that in July we found out that Baby Lambert is a GIRL! but I realized that I haven’t even shared that here! Here’s the picture we used to announce it to the world aka Facebook:

On that day, July 16, we also got some great ultrasound photos of her. We just love her profile and I was so excited to see these little hands!

And here’s a picture they got of her face. Not going to lie, the picture is a little odd looking, but I just love that you can already make out some of her features. What a defined little chin she has!

I’ve been terrible about blogging during my pregnancy, but my goal is to do a weekly update so that I can remember the little things about this special time. Complete with a picture, possibly!

We love you so much baby girl!

Baby Bump!

Oops! I know I promised this a few days ago, but life has been pretty busy since then! Our carpet was installed on Wednesday (ohhh hallelujah!) and we have been busy putting the house back together and getting ready for our trip. It’s a good thing we leave soon because I think Van would go crazy if he had to deal with my excitement much longer!

Anyway, enough chatter. Here’s the bump!

Four months along and feeling MUCH better lately. I was so worried that I’d still be getting sick in Oregon. So, so thankful that won’t be the case (hopefully).

Carpet before and after photos will definitely be shared when we get back. It’s such a wonderful change!

Say Hello to Baby Lambert!

Several weeks ago we announced on Facebook that we’re pregnant! We posted the picture below, the first one taken of our little family of three! I’m still somewhat in disbelief that it’s even real, but we are really excited! If all goes according to schedule, baby Lambert will be here by December 10! THIS year! I think that’s what really blows my mind. Not just that I’m going to have a baby, but that I’m going to have a baby this year! Wow!

Here’s to praying for a healthy pregnancy! If I could just kick this morning sickness, all would be grand!